"Glentern" Kelly Moreland Jones preached on Febuary 23, 2020.
Members of the Rooster Sunday School class recently served breakfast on the first Sunday of the month.
Glendaers about to journey to Cuba in May, 2019.
Glendale Youth in Cuba with Niubes in Havana.
Children receive a blessing during communion.
We observe communion every first Sunday of the month during worship.
Communion bread and cup.
Pastor Amy Mears celebrates former Glenterns, Drew Bongiovanni and Anita Peebles, who graduated from Vanderbilt Divinity School.
Glendalers participating in the annual Nashville Pride parade.
Glendalers participate in the Nashville Pride parade.
Baptistm candidates during worship on Easter Sunday in 2019.
Dedicating our newly renovated fellowship hall.
Petition signing in the foyer.
Candles play a prominent role in our Christmas Eve Love Feast in the Moravian tradition.
Youth and children bring out the candles during our Christmas Eve Love Feast.
PassportKids is a big summer camp activity for our children.
Glendalers at PassportKids in the summer of 2019.
Glendale youth at Baptist Youth Camp in the summer of 2019.
Youth and leaders on the way to Baptist Youth Camp.