Glendale Baptist Church
Nashville, Tennessee

Our Regathering Committee wants to hear from you! 


In hopes that soon we can gather in person for worship and continue to have access to worship through Zoom, we need your help in planning. Would you take a couple of minutes to read through the protocols and best practices the committee is proposing and offer your input to the two questions below?

  • masks required (Worship leaders will be masked unless they are speaking or singing. When unmasked, they will be at least 16’ from worshippers.)
  • singing limited to soloists or small ensembles
  • appropriate physical distancing in seating as well as in entering and exiting the sanctuary and the building
  • shorter worship service to reduce indoor time
  • HVAC system fans running constantly to provide optimal air exchange
  • moving outdoors immediately following the service with outdoor space (tent, garden, parking lot, yard, etc.) available for fellowship and conversation 
  • regular cleaning of high-touch surfaces
  • hand sanitizer and masks available at entrances
  • greeting signs that state clearly the protocols we covenant to observe to keep one another safe.
  • a process for identifying whether or not individuals are comfortable with physical touch (handshake, wave from 6’ away, elbow bump, hugs, etc.)

Regathering Survey 09/20/2021

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