Pastor: Rev. April Baker
Pastor: Rev. Dr. Amy Mears
Office Administrator: Alan Green
Minister of Music: Daryl Johnson
Pastoral Associate: Rev. Kelley H. Doyle
Pastoral Resident: Kelly Moreland Jones
Glendale understands itself to be a teaching church. It is a privilege and an adventure to serve as a laboratory, a classroom, and a haven for Field Education students from Vanderbilt Divinity School and other seminaries and divinity schools. These interns, whom we affectionately call “Glenterns,” watch, preach, listen, teach, cry, laugh, and live in the presence of the faith community. They are constant sources of theological thought and current interpretation; they bring energy, questions, and fearlessness; they serve us and they allow us to serve them. Glenterns who have graduated can be found as pastors, chaplains, educators, non-profit leaders, and community catalyst and advocates. This year’s Glenterns include: